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In October 2000, I was assaulted in a pub and suffered a serious brain injury.


With my determination and help from Rehab UK (Tyne and Wear Brain Injury Vocational Centre), I returned to where I worked at Dunlop Tyres Ltd.  Firstly part time on a work placement whilst still on the sick from work, so that Rehab UK, Dunlop Tyres and the hospital consultants could decide on what my health and abilities were to return to work.


It was agreed by everyone what I could and couldn’t do.  But after I returned to work full time, Dunlop Tyres forced me to do extra duties on top of what was agreed.


Hospital consultants warned Dunlop Tyres in writing how they thought the extra pressures they were placing upon me could lead to epileptic seizures.  Dunlop Tyres staff ignored warnings and I was forced back on the sick after being diagnosed with epilepsy.


During that time, Dunlop Tyres tried to terminate my employment contract on totally illegal grounds.  But with the help of Washington Citizens Advice Bureau, I stopped it from happening.


This is important because it shows how I would not accept being finished from work and how hard I was prepared to fight for my human/disability/employment rights to remain employed and keep my dignity and self respect.


When I recovered from epilepsy and was given the all clear to return to work, Dunlop Tyres suspended me from work on medical grounds without reason or going through any correct employment procedures.  Dunlop Tyres staff simply refused to speak to me.  I was simply being told by third parties (GMB Union) that I would be getting finished from work in due course.


Because of this reason, I started proceedings for disability discrimination against Dunlop Tyres.


I was eventually passed to Gateshead Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), where I made myself clear that all I wanted to happen was retention of employment and for Dunlop Tyres to adhere to DDA 1995, disability employment laws.  I never asked for any compensation, just for my employment rights to be understood and accepted.  Wilf Holt of Gateshead CAB “promised” to represent me at an Employment Tribunal to help me return to work under DDA 1995.


But he didn’t.  Without my knowledge, consent or instructions, he signed a fraudulent document/false instrument that became a legally binding COT3 agreement, which terminated my employment contract.


I made it clear that I would never accept the termination of my employment contract.


So after going through the process with the Employment Tribunals to withdraw the “COT3 agreement” and failing, I was then advised to start legal proceedings against CAB.


 is helping CAB make me homeless
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